Our mission is courageous, caring and simple: to build a loving, just and liberated world.

What We Do

We nurture a field of relational facilitators working at the forefront of our racial, economic, climate, and land justice movements. 

By relational facilitator, we mean anyone called to develop the heartfelt and skillful capacity to strengthen the connections, culture, and collective visions for freedom within our movements for healing, justice and liberation. 

We provide training in our relational culture framework (CourageRISE), mentoring in the art of facilitation, and group and 1:1 support for facilitators’ own personal healing and integration, which is critical to maintaining the depth and sustainability of the work itself. We also offer direct consulting and services to organizations and movements working to build alternatives to the status quo. 

We also understand the core skills and capacities of relational culture—care, compassion, somatic healing, politicization, creative visioning, intuitive responsiveness and collective responsibility—to also be important life skills, and thus we welcome all folks who are committed to justice, healing, and liberation for all to explore our programming.

Our Framework

Over the last nearly 10 years, our team has developed a comprehensive framework for building compassionate, counter-oppressive, healing-centered and visionary relational cultures of practice, called CourageRISE. 

The model helps folks ground in compassion and love (Courage), in order for all of us to RISE.

Following that grounding, we help folks learn to:

      • Reveal the causes and logic of systems of domination and oppression;
      • Invest in transformative and reparative healing, rest, and joy;
      • Sense that new ways of being are possible and also here, and
      • Embody the stance of spiritual activism and the commitments to building beloved community.

Our five-part model is designed to provide a balance of qualities deemed essential by many wisdom and justice lineages: the ability to be open and soft, yet firm and fierce when needed; to see what is with clear eyes and sense that which is unseen; and to discern when it is time to act and when it is time to be.  

In essence, we believe the work calls us both to face the realities of suffering and violence while also embracing the truth of beauty and possibility that abounds.

Why We Focus on Relational Culture

We build relational culture because we believe the interlocking social, economic, and ecological crises of our time are relational crises that require relational solutions. 

We focus on building healthy, embodied, relational culture, because we believe that patterns of domination and oppression live in and are reproduced through our bodies and social practices.  

For us, love and justice are practices that call us to transform of how we relate to our selves, each other and the world. Such transformations are most sustainable when they are embedded in culture and in our ways of being with one another. 

We cannot simply meditate or legislate our way to liberation. But we can build cultures that sustain us in the practice of getting there together. 

Our Team & Lineage

Courage of Care was founded in 2016 by a family of facilitators and spiritual activists committed to dedicating their lives and work to collective liberation.  

We work at depth and take this sacred work very seriously; though not too seriously. We love to laugh. And celebrate. And play.

Our work is inspired by non-dual contemplative traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism and Kashmiri Shaivism, human development and family studies, anthropology, process philosophy, evolutionary psychology, disability studies, gender and women’s studies, womanism, decolonial studies, design thinking, futures studies, science fiction, regenerative practice, community organizing, and the history of liberatory and solidarity struggles across the globe. 

What Folks Say

The Arrow Journal

Courage is now home to The Arrow Journal, a publication which explores the relationship among contemplative practice, politics, and activism.

The joining of our two organizations, both rooted in nondual spiritual traditions committed to the visioning and creation of a liberated future, strengthens our ability to deepen and offer transformative material for our growing community of spiritual activists.

Our Partners and Clients