Nurturing the Keepers of Our Movements

Tuesdays, September 3-December 17, 2024
12pm-2:30pm Eastern / 9am-11:30am Pacific

Succulence is a healing and integration program for relational facilitators, coaches, trainers, teachers, educators, leaders and others who work to make our organizations, communities and movements for healing, justice and liberation more resilient. The program acknowledges the toll of care-work on our relational tenders and that we, too, need spaces where we can show up fully in service of our own healing and integration. 

The name succulence aims to capture the juicy, abundant joy inherent in healing work, while recognizing the ways in which many of us have learned to survive within systems of scarcity. 

May our collective healing benefit not only our beloveds but all those we serve and hold space for in the name of freedom. 

Why This Program

We are being called to wake up and to uphold the values of love, justice, live-giving joy and inclusivity in the face of threat, oppression, violence and apathy.

To lead with love requires that we be love. For many of us, that requires that we do our own self-healing and tend to our traumas, wounds and internalized forms of oppression in order to be present to and of greater service to others and our world. 

This program is designed to help you: 

    • strengthen your relational compassion practice in ways that are sustaining and generative and protective against burnout; 
    • identify habits, patterns and structures that inhibit care and connection; 
    • integrate tools for self- and collective-healing and transforming trauma and oppression; 
    • tap into renewable sources of joy, hope and resilience that sustain you in the work; and
    • clarify and align your personal and professional work with your highest aspirations and intentions.

Who Should Attend

This course is for folks committed to the at times deeply uncomfortable work of personal and collective healing in service of collective liberation. We find this course helpful for folks who are often called to hold space for others as teachers, coaches, facilitators and healers. Folks seeking to heal and integrate in service of building more compassionate, counter-oppressive, healing centered and visionary practice containers for others are most welcome.

Please note this is not a facilitation training, but a healing space for folks often called to facilitation roles. The program is a great complement to our core Relational Facilitators program, and can be taken before or after that training. 

course dates

This 15 session program follows our five-part model, CourageRISE.

The course runs on Tuesdays from September 3rd through December 17th from 12pm-2:30pm Eastern, with one week off in November for integration.

There are three sessions for each module of CourageRISE. In addition to the weekly meetings, participants will be assigned to pods or peer learning groups. Pods can set their own meeting schedule, but we recommend meeting weekly, or every-other-week at minimum for about an hour.

The course dates are as follows:

Courage Module

Sep 3, 10, 17

Reveal Truths Module

Sep 24, Oct 1, 8

Invest in Healing Module

Oct 15, 22, 29

Sense Alternatives Module

Nov 5, 12, 19

Integration Time Nov 26, No Session

Embody Beloved Community Module

Dec 3, 10, 17

Tuition & Payment Plans

We try our best to make our programs accessible and affordable. Below each tier, you will find an hourly rate that breaks down our costs per live training hour. In addition to 37.5 live training hours, participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins. Our core facilitation team also handles all aspects of program administration.

We offer a sliding scale registration fee for our courses and workshops in service of racial and economic justice.

We understand that access to resources is a result of institutionalized white supremacy, capitalism and colonization. A sliding scale fee structure allows white folks and others who have systematically benefited from these unjust and inequitable systems to practice reparations within our community.

We also know that privilege is intersectional and that not all white folks have access to generational wealth or class privilege. We ask that you take your privilege and access to resources into account when determining your registration fee. 

Sponsor: $1350

Payment Plan: $337.50/month
*$36/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins. 
We ask white folks and those with class privilege and access to financial resources to consider paying our sponsor fee. These registrations help us make our sliding scale and reduced options possible and sustainable. Thank you in advance for your generosity! 



Sustainer (Full Tuition): $900

Payment Plan: $225/month
*$24/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins. 

We ask white folks and those with class privilege (eg raised in middle-upper class homes and/or making over $62,000 per year), access to financial resources and/or access to organizational professional development funds to please consider paying the full course fee. We also ask all white-bodied participants being sponsored by organizations to attend pay the full course fee. 


Solidarity Rate: $450

Payment Plan: $112.50/month
*$12/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins. 

We invite folks with less class privilege, financial hardship and/or those representing historically marginalized identities for whom the full tuition rate is not possible, to register at our subsidized solidarity rate. 


Global South Rate: $150

Payment Plan: $37.50/month

*$4/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins. 

We invite folks of the global majority living and working in the global south to register at our solidarity rate. 


***Please note that no refunds will be given for failure to attend or complete the course. Folks registering via payment plans are also responsible for completing full tuition payments. Please be sure you can participate fully before signing up.***

Financial Assistance Available

We are committed to ensuring that our programs are accessible to all. We understand the challenges of doing this work in a deeply unjust racial-capitalist system.


Courage of Care facilitators and operations are compensated primarily through program registrations. We do not receive external funding or grants. While we try to raise funds to support our sliding scale offerings and scholarships, we do not have a sustainable scholarship fund. The discounted rates that we offer are often also a discount on the pay that our facilitators receive. 

Reciprocity is one of our core community practices and we invite you to determine what financial contribution you are able to make to the program. While we do not offer full tuition coverage, we are open to specific tuition reduction requests as well as work exchanges for partial tuition relief. We can accept proposals for payment plans provided they are completed during the term of the program. 

We also ask that you consider the following guidelines when requesting additional support:

    • You are experiencing unemployment or houselessness, and/or
    • Your paycheck barely covers or does not cover your basic needs of food, shelter, water, clothing, medical care, social engagement and rest for you and your family, AND
    • You do not have access to organizational professional development funds, sponsorship, savings or other forms of financial support to cover the cost of the training.

The Emerging Leaders Fellowship

We are thrilled to offer up to 2 Fellowships to emerging young adult leaders (18-25). We are excited to support young leaders in learning tools that enhance their capacity to hold space in organizations and movements. Fellows will receive free tuition to attend the program. We have been blessed to learn in multi-generational space and wish to grow and strengthen this tradition.

Fellows will attend all program trainings and will also participate in conversations with members of our Elders Wisdom Circle. 

The Elders Wisdom Circle Fellowship

We wish to honor the wisdom and lived experience of our elders. We are excited to offer 2 circle fellowships to *grown* folks who wish to participate in our program as both elders and learners. We have been blessed to learn in multi-generational space and wish to grow and strengthen this tradition.

Wisdom Circle members are invited to attend the training in its entirety for free as our guests and to participate in conversations with our Emerging Youth Leaders.


Brooke Lavelle


Brooke is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Courage of Care Coalition. She holds a Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies and Cognitive Science from Emory University, an M.A. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism from Columbia University and a B.A. in Religion and Psychology from Barnard College. Her academic work focuses on the diversity of contemplative models for cultivating compassion as well as the ways in which spiritual practice and social activism inform one another.

Brooke has consulted to various human rights, educational and spiritual organizations, and has experience leading national and international political, educational and climate justice projects. She consults to the International Solidarity Matters Project, is a fellow at the Mind and Life Institute and the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies in Germany, and has led courses on compassion-based approaches to anti-oppressive education at the University of Virginia and San Francisco State University. Through her work at Courage or in her neighborhood of Gowanus, Brooklyn, Brooke remains steadfastly committed to building alternatives to the status quo.

Maha El-Sheikh

Maha El-Sheikh


With 20 years working in the international humanitarian sector, Maha’s work currently focuses on the social injustices underlying our global crises. As a facilitator, she is inspired by 15 years living and working in Palestine and Lebanon, learning how connection to heart, beloved community, mutual aid, joy, and compassion can serve as antidotes to oppression, colonization, injustice and violence. She is the co-founder of the first non-profit, volunteer-run yoga center in Palestine, and brings her experience in studying and teaching trauma-informed yoga, somatics, and meditation to explore the interconnection of healing, social transformation, and justice. 

Maha serves as Co-Director of Courage of Care, and a member of the International Solidarity Movement, where she partners with relational facilitators and leaders in the economic, racial and climate justice movements. She also partners with international humanitarian groups to reimagine aid through compassion-centered, counter-oppressive frameworks.

After the Course

Our Succulence Program serves as a solid foundation for our Relational Facilitators Program. The Relational Facilitators Program is a ten week program that typically runs every spring and fall. Check our calendar for offerings.