
Thursdays 10am ET, 2024
RelationSHIFT Sessions Launch

Thursdays, 10-10:30am ET / 7-7:30am PT beginning September 12, 2024.

We offer a relational model for building cultures and communities of liberatory practice. The model, called CourageRISE, leverages somatic, trauma-informed, relational and restorative practices to help us reclaim our togetherness.

Our relationSHIFT sessions are open to the public and include brief teachings on aspects of our CourageRISE model followed by guided practice. 

Theses sessions are intended to provide our community a place to resource and learn the building blocks of our model. 

October 23, 2024
Practices for the Pluriverse Symposium

We believe embracing pluriversal practice can help strengthen our movements for justice and liberation.

This year’s annual symposium—presented in conjunction with The Arrow Journal’s forthcoming special issue, “The Power of the Pluriverse”offers participants an experiential dive into practices that help us engage multiple realities, fortify our connections, and keep portals of possibility open.

Apply to lead a session! We are seeking proposals for facilitated sessions during our annual symposium that help us not only sense possibility and alternatives to the status quo, but that also help us embody the both/and/also of it all in sustainable and transformative ways. Submit by September 30th

October 26, 2024
Like Water: Practices for Leading, Yielding, Flowing, Sensing and Turning Tides Workshop

Join us LIVE in Brooklyn, NY for a workshop on building relational power with co-facilitators Brooke Lavelle and Monika Son. Registration to open shortly! Stay tuned for more details. 

Spring 2025 | Dates TBA
Succulence Program Launch

Succulence is a healing and integration program for relational facilitators, coaches, trainers, teachers, educators, leaders and others who work to make our organizations, communities and movements for healing, justice and liberation more resilient. The program acknowledges the toll of care-work on our relational tenders and that we, too, need spaces where we can show up fully in service of our own healing and integration. 

The name succulence aims to capture the juicy, abundant joy inherent in healing work, while recognizing the ways in which many of us have learned to survive within systems of scarcity.

Spring 2025 | Dates TBA
Relational Facilitators Program Launch

Our Relational Facilitators Program is designed to help nurture a network of facilitators committed to strengthening the relational tissue of our intersecting movements for liberation.

We know the work of tending to the relational tissue of our movements is often invisibilized, or seen as less valuable or less urgent than front line organizing, but that it is just as critical for the sustainability of our work and our people.

Join our growing community of hundreds of movement leaders, trainers, mediators, DEI professionals, community organizers, educators, NGO leaders, coaches and healers who are building relational culture.