
pathways for organizations and movements

Tailored Support for Organizations, Teams, Communities and Movements

Like all systems, organizations need to be nurtured. 

Too often, organizations—which are committed to caring for others and our world—struggle to maintain the same ethos internally. In a time of strained resources within capitalism it is easy for organizations to get caught in survival mode and reinforce behaviors and expectations that unintentionally contribute to employee burnout, cynicism or despair. 

We may also notice that organizations with deep commitments to justice and equity also struggle to address issues of diversity, inclusion and toxic power-imbalances within their team. Or, we may notice that in spite of an organization’s best intentions, the work is not making the impact we envisaged it would make in the world.

We are committed to helping organizations foster regenerative, healing environments that help all people realize their highest potential in service of all. 

Learn more about our offerings, and reach out to request support! We are happy to schedule a short introductory call with you.

Our Offerings

We believe in long-term training and capacity building to facilitate sustainable transformation and prioritize work with teams and organizations that are ready to make deep commitments to this work.

We also prioritize work with values-aligned teams that are working actively to build alternatives to the status quo.

We offer tailored workshops, training programs, courses, & retreats; leadership coaching & mentoring; strategic visioning & planning; organizational culture assessments; program/project design; capacity building/systems strengthening; and curricular consultations using the theory and practice of our framework, CourageRISE.  Themes include:

    • belonging, care and accessibility;
    • counter-oppressive practice;
    • diversity, equity and inclusion;
    • relational organizing;
    • multi-identity community building;
    • generative conflict and repair;
    • healing, rest and pleasure;
    • undoing white supremacy and colonial culture;
    • re-imagining and visioning liberatory culture;
    • solidarity and coalition building;
    • commitment, responsibility, and risk;
    • recalibration and emergence.

Our programs incorporate practices for personal and systemic transformation and often include somatic and contemplative practice, reflection and discussion, art, storytelling and meaning-making.


connect and share your vision with us


assess your team's relational culture


schedule an in house training & enroll Leaders in our RELATIONAL facilitators program


build a committed culture of practice via supportive coaching and capacity building to sustain the work

How We Work

Shifting culture takes time and practice.

While we are available for short, tailored engagements, we deeply enjoy multi-faceted and often longer term engagements that allow us to go deep and experience the kinds of radical and sustainable cultural transformations that are possible with the right kind of risk, responsibility and commitment.

In general, we like to schedule an exploratory call with your team to begin our conversation and our partnership. Before engaging significant work, we often like to conduct a relational culture assessment of your team and/or organization. (We have our own, but are keen to build upon existing reflections you have already done.)

After our assessment, we typically engage partners in in-house trainings and leadership coaching to help their teams build a shared language and set of tools to take the relational work to the next level. 

We also are keen to train the relational leaders within organizations—including our directors of culture, our DEI leads, our healers, our counselors and the like—to shepherd this work. Our Relational Facilitators program is designed to offer relational leaders a deep dive into the theory, practice and application of our model, CourageRISE, and to equip them with both tools and confidence to carry this work forward for the long haul. 

What Folks Say

Our team has supported human rights organizations, foundations, schools, universities, trauma programs, spiritual centers, intentional communities, political movements, and various coalitions working for racial, economic and climate justice.

Read some of their testimonials below.

Be in Touch

Feel free to reach out with questions about our approach and our offerings.

We’d love to hear from you!