Organizational Pathways

Comprehensive Approaches for Organizational Teams

Like all systems, organizations need to be nurtured. 

Too often, organizations—which are committed to caring for others and our world—struggle to maintain the same ethos internally. In a time of strained resources within capitalism it is easy for organizations to get caught in survival mode and reinforce behaviors and expectations that unintentionally contribute to employee burnout, cynicism or despair. 

We may also notice that organizations with deep commitments to justice and equity also struggle to address issues of diversity, inclusion and toxic power-imbalances within their team. Or, we may notice that in spite of an organization’s best intentions, the work is not making the impact we envisaged it would make in the world.

We are committed to helping organizations foster regenerative, healing environments that help all people realize their highest potential in service of all. 

Learn more about our approach to building Relational Culture and request a tailored consultation.


request tailored consulting to strengthen the relational culture of your organization


Request leadership coaching to support sustainable cultural change




join our practice community and strengthen your culture of practice!

Our Approach to Building Resilient Relational Organizations

We are committed to helping like-minded organizations build caring and resilient relational cultures. Our approach is based on our model, CourageRISE. While we tailor our programs to meet the needs of the teams with whom we work, we typically invite teams to:

conduct a compassionate systems assessment of their organization and receive a summary of key areas of learning and potentials for growth;

attend a two-day intensive training and learn the core theory and practice of our CourageRISE model;

participate in a five-week capacity-building seminar and gain tools to support both personal and systems change; and

receive private leadership coaching sessions to weave the work into the fabric of their organizational praxis.

Leadership Coaching

We are committed to supporting leaders of like-minded organizations in creating more compassionate, counter-oppressive, healing centered and visionary cultures of practice.

We believe everyone is a leader, so our coaching offerings are not limited to folks with official “leadership” roles or titles. 

We also invite coaches and other facilitators to request tailored coaching to support their work of building caring and resilient relational organizational cultures.

Mycelium: A Training Program for Relational Facilitators

Our Relational Facilitators Program is designed for folks who are called upon to tend to the relational health of their communities and organziations. We know the work of tending to the relational tissue of our movements is often invisibilized, or seen less urgent than political wins. We are here to affirm the work of our movement healers and tenders, and provide facilitators with a robust framework and compelling relational tools that foster confidence and competence in this work.

Succulence: A Healing and Integration Program for Relational Leaders

Our Succulence Program is designed help facilitators, coaches, leaders and all who work in service of healing, justice and liberation integrate compassionate, counter-oppressive and healing centered practices in their daily lives. By nurturing our relational facilitators, we strengthen our movements and organizations for justice and liberation. And without working to heal our own trauma and wounding, we risk burning out or perpetuating cycles of stress and dysfunction among those we serve.


Join Our Community of Practice

Shifting culture requires practice—lots of it! Imagine the collective energy needed to usher in a relational paradigm and to sustain our vision for a more just and liberated world!

We strongly encourage regular practice and offer various avenues to deepen in our relational culture work. As a member, you will have access to private practice sessions, special workshops, and advanced trainings. Members also become part of our growing online community in which hey can connect with other relational practitioners in service of deeper learning, collaboration and community.